Community Foundation of Carroll County - Westminster, Maryland
This section provides a comprehensive directory of Non-profit organizations, Charitable organizations, Social enterprises, Community service organizations, and Philanthropic foundations based in Maryland.
We have compiled a detailed list of Non-profit organizations, Charitable organizations, Social enterprises, Community service organizations, and Philanthropic foundations in Maryland, offering a wide range of services and support.
Our directory offers practical information about each organization, including their locations, opening hours, and additional facilities they may provide, to help you make informed decisions.
The list is designed to facilitate your search for Non-profit organizations, Charitable organizations, Social enterprises, Community service organizations, and Philanthropic foundations in your area, allowing you to find the ones that best meet your needs and requirements.
The Children's Inn at NIH - Bethesda, Maryland
FedChoice Charitable Foundation - Lanham, Maryland
Maryland Community Foundations Association - Baltimore, Maryland
Maryland Philanthropy Network - Baltimore, Maryland
Anthony M. Natelli FOUNDATION - Gaithersburg, Maryland
PPF (Players Philanthropy Fund) - Towson, Maryland
Philanthropic Service for Institutions - Columbia, Maryland