Wabash Valley Community Foundation - Terre Haute, Indiana
We provide essential information about various types of organizations, including Non-profit organizations, Charitable organizations, Social enterprises, Community service organizations, and Philanthropic foundations in the area. The details include their addresses, service hours, and additional services they may offer, such as:
- Addresses and contact information
- Service hours and availability
- Extra services or resources provided
This information is designed to help users find and connect with organizations that align with their values and needs, and to support the important work of these organizations in the community, with a focus on community service.
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. - Muncie, Indiana
Unity Foundation of La Porte County - Michigan City, Indiana
Legacy Foundation Inc - Merrillville, Indiana
Phi Mu, Delta Epsilon Chapter - West Lafayette, Indiana
Gamma Phi Beta Sorority Inc - West Lafayette, Indiana
Community Foundation of Whitley County - Columbia City, Indiana
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. - Indianapolis, Indiana